Saturday, July 18, 2009

Goodbye Walter

With the passing of Walter Cronkite, we witness the passing of an era when TV newsmen had our trust and confidence. Mr. Cronkite was someone we could listen to and trust. As a young boy, I eagerly waited for the evening news to hear Walter Cronkite. His clear, honest, and concise reporting gave me a sense of well being, because no matter how dire the news; I always knew that it had been presented in an honest and forthright manner.

Sadly, today's newsmen and women do not inspire such trust, nor do I have the level of confidence in them that I had in Walter Cronkite.

Job well done, Walter. Rest in PEACE.

Oh My!!! I Just Had a Scary Thought

Several months ago James Dupree was reeling, on the ropes, set up for the knockout punch. Out of the blue comes Brenda Shelling, ringing the bell early, old Dupree was saved by the bell. Isn't it somewhat strange that Brenda has now turned her back on the man she saved and is now ready to sucker punch him? What could possible force such a turn of events?As we all suspect, she saved Dupree because she was hoping that he could place her daughter in a position with MCS. Lord knows, Dupree tried everything he could to place Cassandra. Even with his best efforts he failed; however Brenda is unforgiving and a best effort is not good enough. So now she has turned on Dupree for failing to deliver. But why now? What has changed?Is it possible that someone has cut a deal with Brenda to get rid of Dupree by promising a nice little job for her daughter? My thoughts turn to the "V Vehicle". Don't be surprised if some of the high rollers in Monroe have promised Cassandra a job if Brenda can get Dupree out of office. Come on now folks, this isn't too far fetched. The knock against Monroe for the past few years has been the black controlled city government and the black controlled city school board. They are viewed with contempt, and are felt by many to bear a huge share of the blame for the decline of the city and the city schools. It has been said that companies do not want to come to Monroe because of the poor quality of the schools. Dupree is the face of the Monroe City School system. Remove him and show everyone that the area is committed to change. The hope then is that with a commitment to change, businessmen and investors will look at this area as one with potential.Well, I might be wrong but you never know.
Keep reading folks.

What? No Principal??

You know what amazes me? Black folk are sitting idle with their thumbs up their tails while their elected officials show just what little regard they have for black kids, and for the folk that elected them. Do you think the Neville and Lee Jr. parents would let this happen? No, they would not. Remember when the Lee Jr. folk blocked Dupree's appointment of David Breithaupt and forced him to name Whitney Martin?

If black folk would get off their butts and let these fools know they were not going to put up with this crap, they would be treated better and with more respect. But as long as you act like a beggar at the trough, you will be treated as such.
Carroll High parents, the school board does not care about you or your children. So why do you keep electing these fools? Sixth Street Smitty, that Buffoon calling himself a bishop, the Mad Hatter, and the poor old Handyman are an embarrassment to all the black folk that fought and died for equal rights.Now if the black school board members don't care about you and your children; it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the white members don't care if you dry up and blow away. For them that would be the best solution, then they would not have to deal with the low scores and discipline problems in the black schools. They could concentrate on Neville, Lee, and Lexington. Who knows, Ouachita Parish would probably take those three schools in; welcome them with open arms. Who would have thought that in 2009, black folk in Monroe would still act like a bunch of waiters in their own homes, eager to take orders and follow the bidding of a bunch of folk like the Monroe City School Board that cares nothing for them. Believe me each member of the school board has an agenda that is not in your best interest. Sure the black members will rabble rouse occasionally to make you think they are fighting against those that supposedly are attempting to hold you back. The truth of the matter is the black school board members are your greatest enemies. Just listen to them at the meetings. There is very little discussion about schools and students. It is all about Dupree and appointments and money for various projects and trips. Just once, I would like to see a session devoted to the students. Time is drawing near folk and your children do not have a principal. I pity the unfortunate soul who steps into the mess at Carroll High School and has to being school with no real time to prepare. And I can tell you the Department of Education is not going to understand and will not be forgiving for poor performance when your only excuse is that the school board and superintendent were too busy bickering to take care of the business for which they were elected and hired.
Think about it.

School Member Smith, Where Does She Live?

It seems that some members of the Monroe City School Board will go to any lengths to stay in power and continue to feed from the public coffers, while failing to give even a modest effort of perform in an honorable fashion the duties for which they were elected and are paid to perform. Thanks to Roosevelt Wright and the Monroe Free Press, the antics of Stephanie Smith have come to light. It seems as if Ms. Smith is representing a district in which she does not live. She maintains a house on South 6th Street, but lives in a $220,000 house outside of the city limits. Furthermore she appointed two members to the superintendent search committee who like she, lives outside of the Monroe City limits. Readers may recall during the last school board elections, questions concerning Ms. Smith's residency came up. At the time, for whatever reason, voters of her district ignored the question and re-elected her to another term. So what do the voters get in return, a school board member who blindly follows the orders of the Dastardly Duo (Shelling and Dupree) and their henchman (McFarland). It is also pointed out in the Free Press, that Ms. Smith's mother was promoted to a higher paying job when she was no longer eligible to serve as an aide. Was Smith's vote to retain Dupree payment for giving her mother a promotion? It would seem so. With all of the wheeling and dealing that has taken place over the past weeks, it would be nice if Governor Jindal would take this opportunity to test the effectiveness of his policy on unethical behavior by public officials. Surely he will find several likely targets warranting an investigation.

The Dastardly Duo

Certainly by now everyone realizes the Dastardly Duo (Shelling and Dupree) are only concerned with consolidating their strangle hold on the school board and community. They have clearly demonstrated the students of the district are not a priority. Following the show at Wossman and their antics at the district meeting where they insulted teachers then forced them to pray; they no doubt feel their power is secure. The Dastardly Duo, along with their hetman McFarland, their puppets Smith and Handy seek to make the Monroe School System their personal kingdom. They seem to believe good people employed by the district are there to serve and worship them without question, while humbly enduring insults hurled at them for not showing proper reverence to Dupree. These people manage by intimidation, fear, and deceit.At some point the citizens of this community must stand firm and run the rascals out of office before they suck the life out of our children, schools, and community. The Dastardly Duo and their henchmen have forgotten they are the servants, not the masters. While they feed and prosper at the public trough, they seem to curse and despise the very people they are supposed to serve. Citizens of Monroe, parents of Carroll High School students, it is time for these people to leave. They have had ample opportunity to do what is right yet they continue to thumb their noses at you and your children.

Lies and Deception at Monroe City School Board

It seems as if there is something new each day on Dupree, the Shellings, and the MCSB. There is an article in The Monroe Free Press concerning the attempt to place Cassandra at Wossman. In the article, Principal Sam Moore is quoted as saying he wrote a letter recommending the hiring of Cassandra Shelling because Dupree instructed him to do so. Moore is upset now, and rightfully so because Dupree will not man up and state the truth. Principal Moore also states that Dupree and Doug Lawrence have lied about Wossman having no TOPS students. Mr. Moore is now threatening to leave because of the lies and the manner in which his school is being treated by MCSB.

At some point the citizens and voters of Monroe should say enough. They should demand the rascals in charge at MCSB operate in a manner that addresses the needs of the students and not in a manner that feeds and inflates the egos of self-servicing individuals within the district. At this time MCSB has two main objectives; one, finalizing a contract for Dupree in order that he may fully consolidate his power, and two, find a job for Cassandra Shelling so Dupree can pay his debt to Brenda Shelling. You can be sure there are other objectives and agendas on the table that are designed to promote the interest of other board members and their friends and those will come to light. Sadly the interest of the students and the schools are nowhere near the top of any of those agendas. If you think otherwise, then ask yourself why the federal government had to step in and force a majority black school district with a majority black school board to give equal treatment to two high schools with majority or all black student populations.

The Dastardly Duo of Shelling and Dupree, and their toadies, Smith, McFarland, Handy, and Drayton are seeing their world and plans slowly begin to crumble. Mr. Moore’s statements in the above mentioned article might well be the straw that causes this monster with feet of clay to finally to collapse. For the sake of the students, teachers, and citizens of the district, I certainly hope this is the case.